Faithful Service: Why the Gratitude of Others Isn’t Our Goal

Renae Denbow

Nienke Broeksema | Unsplash

Nienke Broeksema | Unsplash

A very flustered caseworker called me after putting in a request for bunk beds. Within a day or two, a responder had brought new mattresses and sheets and a hand-me-down bunk bed frame to the family. As far as we knew, it was "mission accomplished.” However, the caseworker soon got a call from this young mom complaining vocally about the used bed frame. At the end of her rope and frustrated, the caseworker reached out to me in tears. In that moment, God presented me with two opportunities to extend grace.  

The first opportunity was to appreciate this sweet caseworker doing the very best she could for the kids in her community. I used the same Scripture to encourage HER that I use to keep MY OWN head on straight: 1 Corinthians 15:58. "Therefore, brothers and sisters, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the LORD, knowing that in the LORD your labor is not in vain.” By the time we got off the phone, we both felt better, and I offered to call the family and try to smooth things over - my second opportunity for grace.

On the phone, the upset mom described a usable, good quality bunk bed frame as “totally out of style and impossible to match with her room.” When I explained that it had been donated by a volunteer in the church giving what she had available, the mom erupted and asked, “Can I speak with your manager!!!” Everyone take a DEEP BREATH right here!  Believe me, I know what you are thinking - because those thoughts crossed my mind too:  

1. She 100% doesn’t get it.  

2. This gift was FREE! 

3. Seriously? My manager? This isn’t Burger King!  

Let’s take another deep breath. Classic case of feeling like your labor is in vain. All we want to do is make families feel loved and cared for. We spend hours exerting ourselves to provide items and display Jesus, and this time we were met with anger. As I opened my mouth, praying for God to remove any sarcasm from my voice, I said, “Here’s what I think we should do. The bed works and right now your kids are off the floor, so that’s a start. I say, you save up, and when you are on your feet and able to buy the beds you want, give us a call. We will be SO excited for you to donate to the next family. We’ll celebrate with you on that day because God used this bed when you needed help, and then put you in a position to help someone else. That will be ONE EXCITING DAY!” Then the real miracle happened: She said, “That is exactly what I will do! Thanks for your help!” (There may have been sarcasm in her voice, I don't know. I barely heard her reaction, because I’d heard GOD’S GRACE coming out of my mouth even though I was feeling undervalued and annoyed.)

Listen, team, when I tell you that if we can be steadfast and unmovable in our ALL OUT love for our neighbors, regardless of their attitudes, we can be sure that we never labor in vain. Remember who we serve and find joy in revealing HIM - in the items we provide, the prayers we offer up, and in our compassionate words and actions, especially toward those who may not appreciate them. The Lord honors and values your endurance, your steady hearts, and humble spirits. 

Reflection Questions:

  1. Have you ever encountered someone who wasn’t grateful for your help? What was your reaction?

  2. When you become discouraged in a helping situation, what helps you to regain your focus and keep going? 

  3. What do you think is the difference between being “successful” and being “faithful”?