2024 Highlights

Think Tank equips groups to rethink poverty and collaborate with those affected to create meaningful change. We believe that individuals who have experienced poverty are powerful change leaders, offering valuable insights and solutions.

A primary focus of Think Tank is connecting people to the lived realities of poverty through the Cost of Poverty Experience (COPE), an immersive educational tool that fosters empathy. After COPE, Think Tank offers resources to help individuals, teams, and organizations take action in their communities by responding more effectively and collaborating with Change Leaders to create and implement stronger poverty solutions.

Below are the outcomes and impacts of our work in 2024. Thank you for being a changemaker and supporting this mission in your community!

Rethink Poverty

  • Rolled out the fully updated edition of Community COPE.

  • Created Human Trafficking/ Child Welfare integrations for COPE.

  • Reached significant milestone - 100,000 impacted! 

  • Engaged 12,000 people in Live COPE and 1,600 in Virtual COPE.

  • Certified 85 new COPE facilitators through Think Tank.

Activate Meaningful Change

  • Engaged over 300 people in Change Leader-led conversations and training.

  • Nearly 500 people participated in Action Sessions following COPE, leaving with a plan and a commitment to turn their insights into meaningful action.

  • Welcomed 403 new members to the Exchange.

Build Capacity for Community-Led Solutions

  • Raised nearly half a million dollars through AmeriCorps VISTAS ($484,345).

  • Contributed 20,000 Volunteer Hours through VISTA Service. 

Host Site Spotlight

The Collaboratory relaunched Ethnosh, a community initiative that fosters connection through cuisine by highlighting immigrant-owned international restaurants and food businesses. Through a blend of engaging online content and real-world events, Ethnosh promotes cross-cultural discovery, strengthens communities, and supports businesses in underserved areas.

What have you thought about or done differently after engaging with Think Tank?

Ignited Meaningful Conversations

Sparked new discussions, sharing the COPE experience and inspiring others to participate to gain new insight on poverty’s lived realities.

Strengthened Connections

I am volunteering more, shifting how I approach work, actively listening to others, and showing greater empathy to understand different perspectives.

Driving Positive Change

Tackling fragmentation and improving collaboration in my community.  Working towards reducing barriers and creating more opportunities for all. Working to empower other’s self-determination through supporting their goals and priorities for greater well-being.