Virtual Cost of Poverty Experience

An interactive one hour poverty simulation, designed to give your organization a glimpse into the lives of under resourced children and families living in your community.




Relationships can change how we tackle poverty

We all want to see lasting change in our communities, but knowing how to get there is another story. Think Tank’s new online course SHIFT will help you and your organization reimagine your approach to poverty and put practical tools in your toolbox to help your community thrive. 

Packed with practical tools like videos, self-assessments, and personal stories, SHIFT is for helping organizations like nonprofits, churches, schools, healthcare organizations, and more who want solutions that work to fight poverty.



The Mental Tax of Poverty

Scarcity - not having enough time, money, or resources - can wreak havoc on our brains. It distracts us, overwhelms us, forces us into trade-off decisions, and steals the ability to concentrate on things we need to do. Right now the uncertainty and chaos of COVID-19 is creating scarcity for most if not all educators: Forcing trade-offs between safety and educational norms, taking up our mental bandwidth, and causing significant stress.

Most of the time, scarcity is temporary. But for some, like students and families in poverty, there is rarely a break from the mental tax of scarcity. This course will help you better understand its effects on your own mind, and on the minds of students and families you serve - and find hopeful ways to adjust your strategies to see better results. 

This short online course that draws from the ground-breaking work of researchers Sendhil Mullainathan and Eldar Shafir.