Thank you for leading a Community Resource Station.

In this role, you will represent a business or organization that interacts with families facing the challenges of poverty.

Watch the Orientation Video

A Phone is required for most resources.

Resource Leaders need to be comfortable utilizing their phones during the session. This means scanning QR codes via cell phone and accessing the app to deposit or withdraw funds for participants.

How COPE Works

Four 15-Minute Weeks

Representing one month in poverty

15 Family Profiles

Represents actual families Think Tank has relationships with

13 Resources

Each with 1-3 Resource Leaders

COPE Facilitator

Leads the session and will answer any questions you have.

The Community Resources

The 13 resources, which will be “owned and operated” by Resource Leaders, will each be provided with their own set of materials and props. The materials will include an instructional silhouette, individualized forms, and the proper paperwork families need to successfully utilize the specific resource. A description of each are listed given below.

  • Participants can pay loans and cash checks. Also operates as an ATM.

    Traffic: Low

    Use of Phone: Low

  • Connects the community with much-needed resources, events + opportunities.

    Traffic: Low

    Use of Phone: None

  • Court appointments, hearings, and payment of fines.

    Traffic: Low

    Use of Phone: Low

  • AA/NA Meetings, prayer, and limited assistance. Also runs Daycare.

    Traffic: Low

    Use of Phone: None

  • Food stamps, cash, and subsidies (medical insurance/childcare).

    Traffic: Medium

    Use of Phone: Low

  • Doctor appointments and prescribe prescriptions.

    Traffic: Low

    Use of Phone: Low

  • Collects housing payments (rent mortgage, etc.), and offers emergency shelter.

    Traffic: Medium

    Use of Phone: High

  • Participants report for work if employed, or to apply for a job.

    Traffic: High

    Use of Phone: High

  • Purchase groceries, household items, fill prescriptions.

    Traffic: High

    Use of Phone: High

  • Local park to host community events

    No Resource Leader assigned here.

  • Ensures the safety and enforces laws for the community.

    Traffic: Medium

    Use of Phone: None

  • Children will report each week, and do not need transportation. College students report for the last five minutes of each week.

    Traffic: Medium

    Use of Phone: None

  • Offers quick cash opportunities, gig jobs (rideshare + food delivery).

    Traffic: Medium

    Use of Phone: High

  • All transportation passes (Bus, Gas, Walk), collects utility bills + car repair payments.

    Traffic: High

    Use of Phone: High