The Cost of Poverty Experience: Reentry Edition
A high-impact experience to help deepen your understanding of the complexities and challenges of incarceration and reentry.
For criminal justice fields, professionals and reentry coalitions.
The United States has 5% of the world’s population, yet holds 25% of the world’s incarcerated. 97% of those incarcerated will return to your community.
The Cost of Poverty Experience: Reentry Edition is a 2.5 hour learning experience that portrays real stories of individuals and families impacted by incarceration that go beyond the stereotype of what is seen on the news or written in social media. Also captured in the experience is the role that the broader community plays in their interactions with individuals re-entering society.
The Reentry COPE will:
Help mobilize your organization or community to build more effective reentry strategies and approaches.
Give criminal justice professionals a deeper understanding of the complexities of incarceration and its impact on families and the broader community.
Help your employers see the opportunity and benefits of hiring returning citizens.
“The COPE training can touch the heart and bring a human face to the difficulties and opportunities in restoring individuals back to their children and families.”
Want to know more about our Reenty COPE?
An Experience For Everyone.
The Cost of Poverty Experience has been adapted to reflect the experience of poverty in various contexts. Please click on one of the sectors below that best describes the organization that you are affiliated with to find out how COPE can help you have greater impact.